Articles — remedies

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Kava | Root of Happiness

9 Kava Health Benefits That May Surprise You

Kava, in its lengthy history, has been studied and found to be very beneficial to people all over the world. Drinking kava is associated with improving attitude, relaxing the body, and increasing mental clarity. Kava health benefits ranges from everyday improvement of mood, to easing stress and pain.  These are a few of the more common known effects of drinking kava tea. Below are nine other unexpected kava health benefits that may surprise you. Overview of Kava Health Benefits There are many benefits of kava; this natural herb has a history of relieving tension and everyday stress. There are not many side effects,...

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10 Ways to Reduce Tension in Your Everyday Life

10 Ways to Reduce Tension in Your Everyday Life

Tension can have negative effects on your body. According to reports, tension can affect the heart, digestive system and even your immune system. Because of this, it's important to learn techniques to reduce tension. Tension can make you feel tired and leads to a spike in cortisol hormone levels. These hormones are connected to weight gain and obesity, especially around the middle section of the body. It has also been associated with poor concentration and memory. It is necessary to reduce tension in your everyday life to remain healthy. There are many ways you can reduce tension. Below are ten ways that have been proven...

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Herbal Remedies to Improve Everyday Health

Herbal Remedies to Improve Everyday Health

Your body goes through so much each day. Stressors from work, family and social commitments can take a toll on both physical and mental health. If these stressors are not dealt with, they can start to do damage to the body over time. You can reduce this everyday tension with herbal remedies.  Damage such as consistent headaches, overeating, and digestive issues are quite common effects of everyday stress related health issues. Memory loss and inability to concentrate are also signs of daily health problems. Eventually, this minor damage can lead to more serious problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes and heart...

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Wellness Tips: Improving Well-Being With Kava

Wellness Tips: Improving Your Well-Being with Kava

We live in a society where it is people are constantly working towards improving their well-being and health. When a person has a stress-related disorder, anti-anxiety medications are given by a doctor. When a person has trouble sleeping or has insomnia, a physician is likely to prescribe a man-made sleeping medication. Many medications prescribed by doctors to manage or improve well-being come with an array of side effects, leading to the need for additional medications. Your overall well-being can be managed using alternative, all-natural herbs and treatments. One proven way is with the use of kava. Below are some of...

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